
Showing posts from October, 2024

Joey’s take on Old Radio

 In a world where there was once no blinking light screen in the home which is called television, radio was on the rise in the 1930's during the onset of the great depression.    It's hard for me to imagine a world without the internet anymore, let alone television.  The movie theatre would be the only place where someone could go to see a screen before their eyes. Most nights, families would stay home and listen to a radio and imagine the pictures in their mind.   Recently, I have been listening to the Jack Benny and Hedda Hopper show on radio, I enjoy listening to the way they talk. I like to create my own pictures in a my mind in a medium that is quite unlike anything else.    Radio has gone into a big decline with Spotify being what many could consider their form of radio today. Radio is only by waves. The only time to hear a radio is when you are in the car, if that, or in a mall, or an office. I personally hate to be in an office and have to...